The first annual American College of Veterinary Botanical Medicine conference was held on October 16th, 2015 in Augusta, GA a the Marriott Convention Center in the Walsh Room. If you'd like to purchase the proceedings from this event, which include meeting and lecture notes as well as slides from Dr. Basko's and Dr. Beebe's presentations, please CLICK HERE.
The conference was awarded 6 hours of CE pending ACVBM specialty group approval.
Dr. Signe Beebe: Chinese Medicine for the Geriatric Pet During this two hour talk, Dr. Beebe discussed the aging process in both western and TCM terms. The talk focused on Chinese medicines that can treat the individual patterns seen during the aging process.
Nancy Scanlan: Anti-Cancer Herbs; and Cancer and the Immune System Dr. Scanlan discussed some of the various anti-cancer herbs currently used in relation to their effects on the immune system during this two hour lecture.
Lecture part I - Cancer and the immune system A properly functioning immune system is critical for fighting cancer. Cancer cells have many ways of circumventing various actions of the immune system. By knowing what those actions are and how to counteract them, cancer treatment can become more effective.
Lecture part II - Anti-cancer herbs Information about anti-cancer herbs tend to emphasize their effects on the immune system, usually as "immune boosters." While this is a good beginning, knowing how they act on the immune system will allow the practitioner to use them more precisely. In addition, other properties such as anti-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic actions, can be applied in a multi-modal approach to cancer treatment
Ihor Basko: Cancer treatment and Mushrooms Dr. Basko's two hour lecture followed Dr. Scanlan's and contained more specific information and cancer treatment. especially focused on the use of medicinal mushrooms.
The conference also served as a location for the ACVBM's annual board meeting and organizing committee meeting.