The American College of Veterinary Botanical Medicine will provide a means to reach diplomate status through maintaining a standard base of post-graduate instruction and examination, offer educational opportunities designed to advance experience and proficiency, and enhance the integration of scientific, clinical, and traditional knowledge into veterinary medicine practice for the greater benefit of the health and well-being of animals.
Our Mission
The American College of Veterinary Botanical Medicine was established in 2014 in order to increase the proficiency and competence of veterinarians in the use of medicinal plants, ultimately leading to diplomate status in the specialty of veterinary botanical medicine. To fulfill this mission, the American College of Veterinary Botanical Medicine (ACVBM) will provide a means to reach diplomate status through maintaining a standard base of post-graduate instruction and examination, offer educational opportunities designed to advance experience and proficiency, and enhance the integration of scientific, clinical, and traditional knowledge into veterinary medicine practice for the greater benefit of the health and well-being of animals.
Our Objectives
Establishing requirements for post-doctoral education and experience pre-requisite to certification in the specialty of veterinary botanical medicine.
Providing programs of required study including: Phytochemistry, Phytopharmacology, Pharmacognasy, Ethnopharmacology, Ethnoveterinary Medicine, Traditional and Cultural Uses of Herbal medicines, Traditional/Oriental Medicine & Western Medicine herbology.
Supporting scientific research in Phytochemistry, Phytopharmacology, Phytopharmacodynamics, and Toxicology.
Examining and certifying veterinarians as specialists in Botanical Veterinary Medicine.
Our Organizing Committee
The American College of Veterinary Botanical Medicine Organizing Committee includes recognized leaders, speakers, educators and authors in the Veterinary Botanical Medicine field and were invited to become the very first members of the ACVBM. CLICK HERE to view all our officers, board members and committee members and their Curriculum Vitae.